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Street Photography

Street Photography, is it just me or do other NetModel users enjoy street photography?   ....... Post your street photography photos should you wish too 🙂 [image]1387383[/image] [image]1387390[/image] [image]1387394[/image] [image]1387391[/image] [image]1387389[/image]=12pt  [image]1387388[/image] [image]1387387[/image] [image]1387384[/image] [image]1387382[/image]  

There is a street somewhere under the human throng: Munich Christmas Market [img][/img]


[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Not technically street photography as it is indoors. [img][/img]

Amsterdam street life [img][/img] [img][/img] of course, being Amsterdam, some of the 'streets' are watery [img][/img] [img][/img]  

No prizes for identifying the location [img][/img] Bologna [img][/img] [img][/img] Florence by night [img][/img] The queue for the Uffizi Gallery, Florence [img][/img]

[img][/img] [img][/img]

An image that I took in London of the model named Mona [image]1356789[/image]

Seville street entertainment [img][/img] [img][/img]

Another couple of images from me taken in the City of Chester  [image]1387392[/image] [image]1387429[/image]  

How times fly, I knew I had a shot of when I first went on a "new" bendy train in London... it was 2017! [image]1387462[/image]

[image]1383051[/image] Two young people having fun on a battery operated scooter 🙂

[quote][i][b]Peter_D[/b] wrote:[/i] [image]1383051[/image] Two young people having fun on a battery operated scooter 🙂[/quote] Now there is an idea for a photoshoot! Great image. 👍

I like night time street shots even if the subject is that attractive. Like this building on a grotty trading estate. The darkness covers a lot of unattractive things and the mixed lights make it more interesting. This was certainly a case of looking better in the dark! [image]1387556[/image]




A few 'Street Photography' images from a recent trip I made to Chester  [image]1387850[/image] [image]1387848[/image]  [image]1387849[/image]   


A few images from my recent trip to the City of Chester …. [image]1388199[/image]  [image]1388200[/image] [image]1388202[/image] [image]1388201[/image]

I just happened to see a Lotus travelling towards me and luckily I had my camera in hand 🙂 [image]1388973[/image]  

A coffee and a chat  [image]1388974[/image]  

[quote][i][b]Peter_D[/b] wrote:[/i] A few images from my recent trip to the City of Chester …. [image]1388201[/image][/quote] Love this, absolutely classic! 😁

Yes, and it’s a genuine photo, exactly as I took it

Street Life / Chester [image]1389050[/image] [image]1389053[/image] [image]1389055[/image]

Showing 1 to 26 of 46 posts.

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