Greeting from Canada

Hey all. I'm a photographer from Canada. I'm still in the learning phase, and my portfolio is still quite small, although I am working with a surprising number of models of varying experience levels over the coming months, and I expect it to grow quickly once the weather warms up, or I can secure a reliable studio space in my area. I am a firm believer in community over conflict, collaboration over competition in this field. There's so much I have yet to learn, and I'm certain there's some things I can teach as well. As such, I wanted to open my portfolio for critique and feedback. The photos I have only represent some of the better ones, and while I do have some other shoots that I've shared on Instagram, my contracts with those people only allowed me to share them on that particular platform. I've since rewritten my contract to allow for portfolio and sharing for promotional purposes, so future shoots should, with respect to the wishes of the models I work with, show up here and my other platforms as I continue. I have big goals for my work. I'm certainly building some castles in the sky. But I'm also doing deep work to ensure it has foundations. Glad to meet you all.

Welcome to the site Raven!  It's great to have members from Canada, bring your friends we need more Canadians! Enjoy the learning journey with photography. If you look back at a shot after a while and see mistakes or things you would do better. Then you know you are making progress. I mainly edit now and look back on earlier work and sometimes think "What was I thinking!"  

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